Archives 2009

News 2009
12.-.13.12.2009 Winner -09 and Nordic Winner 2009, Helsinki Finland
The best way to finish this year:
Meeri VG/1 both days. Saturday Judge was Barbara Müller from Swizerland and sundays judge was Karl-Erik Johansson from Sweden.
Ruusa was BB3 on saturday, judge Elina Haapaniemi.
Sunday was Nordic Winner 2009 and our Ruusa was BOB! Judge was Jeff Horswell GB.

5.-6.12.2009 Weekend in St.Petersburg, Russia
Many thanks to Jarkko, Riikka, Sami, Taru, Sari and Sami H from this exelent week end.

6.12.2009 St. Petersburg, Russia "RKF President Cup"
judge M. Zaturinskiy (KZ)
Today was Meeris turn to be better. Thank You Taru, to showin her! It went fantastic.
Meeri Ex1, CAC, BB1, CACIB, BOB and she become RU Champion!
Myy Ex1, CAC, BB2, R-CACIB
Taru´s Chart Polski, Emericius Klarisa "Nipsu" Ex1, CAC, BB1, CACIB, BOB judged by Ya. Gavrilova (RU)

5.12.2009 St. Petersburg, Russia Nevsky Winner 2009
judge Oleg Yanchev (RU)
Myy´s day: Ex1, CAC, BB1, CACIB, BOB
Meeri Ex2, CAC, BB2, R-CACIB
No success in Groups but lots of good experience for Myy. Her behavior and moving was really exelent.
Taru´s Chart Polski, Emericius Klarisa "Nipsu" Ex1, CAC, BB1, CACIB, BOB judged by M. Zaturinskiy (KZ)
09.11.2009 Ryyti 6- VUOTTA! Onnea sankarille :)

INTERNATIONAL DOG SHOW  “ZOOEXPO’2009 ” 01.11.2009, Riga Latvia
Ruusa CACIB BOB, Saija Juutilainen, Finland
Meeri EX1, Johannes BOELAARS, Netherlands

INTERNATIONAL DOG SHOW, 31.10.2009, Riga Latvia
Ruusa EX 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB = LATVIA CHAMPION! , judge Vlastislav VOJTEK,  Slovakia
Meeri EX2, judge Salvatore TRIPOLI, Italy

24.10.2009 Seinäjoki, FI judge Elin Normanseth, Norway
Meeri VG1

18.10.2009 St. Petersburg, Russia 3 x nationals at the same day only Meeri:
Nat. dogshow ”Petersburg Autumn” EX1 Jun CAC BOB, judge Jana Gavrilova, RU
Nat. dogshow ”Autumn On The Neva” EX1 Jun CAC BOB, RU JUN CH, judge Oleg Yanchev, RU
Nat. Dogshow ”Nevsky Stars” EX1 CAC, BOB, judge V. Beljakov, RU
Taru´s Lara got her CAC´s from all shows and will become RU CH, Congratulations!!!

12.9.2009 DRAJ, Sievi
Myy AVO0, Ultrapoint CUP: 4 pist.
FIN BASSET-Speciality Nicole Horsten-Ceustermans, NL
Meeri EX3
Myy VG4
Child & dog, judge Linda Lönnqvist
3. Matilda & Meeri
BIS-Pare, judge Jeanette Balkan
2. gbgv Meeri and Myy

29.8.2009 Vyborg judge L.Kizina
Meeri EX1, JUN-CC, BOB, BOG4
Ruusa EX1, CAC, (Ruusa is already RU CH), BOB, BOG4
Rilla EX2 R-CAC
Ryyti EX1, CAC, BB2
Taru´s IW (kennel Fernmark) Lara was BOB, CAC, BOG3 and her Chart Polski Nipsu got VG1

22.8.2009 KOUVOLA judge Arvi Ellmen
Meeri EX1, BB2, CAC
Myy VG2

16.8.2009 Joensuu KV, judge Hans Lehtinen
Meeri VG2
Myy G

15.8.2009 Joensuu judge Paula Rekiranta
Meeri EX 2, BB4, R-CAC
Myy EH3

9.8.2009 MEJÄ, Okeroinen, Hollola, judge Mauno O. Koivula
Meerin ensimmäinen jälki koe AVO3
Myylle AVO0

26.7.2009 MIKKELI judge Ricky Lochs-Romans, NL
Myy VG3
Meeri EX2, R-CC

SIRL:n 40-v.ERIKOISNÄYTTELY 25.7. judge Sue Cole, UK
Rilla EH
Hyvinkää 5.7.2009, judge Riitta Lahtovaara
Myy JUN EX2, BB3, rec-CC
Meeri JUN EX, BB4

Tuusula 4.7.2009, Annukka Paloheimo?
Meeri Jun G

MEJÄ-koe Hollola 7.6.2009
Myy AVO0

Viipuri 30.5.2009 judge Nina Kharatishvili, RU
Meeri EX1, jun-CAC, BOB,BOG4
Rilla EX2
Ruusa EX1, CC, BOB, BOG4Hamina 17.5.2009 judge Hassi Assenmacher-Feyel, De
Meerille VG2

Varkaus 16.5.2009 judge Ligita Zake, Latvia
Maukalle EX1, Pu4 ja vara-sert , onnea!
Meeri Ex2, Myy VG3 ja Elli (sister of M&M) VG4, girls need more ring training :)
Myy was shown by Riikka and it went really great!
After the show all Dinetten-kids got change to run and play in local dog-park. D.G.-kids in Varkaus:
D.G. Filedio "Paavo", D.G. Florencio "Maukka", D.G. Farinja "Myy",  D.G. Faucille "Elli"  sekä  D.G. Formerie "Meeri"
Fine day, hope we´ll see you soon again!

Turenki 3.5.2009 judge Taina Nygård
Myy VG2
Hieno päivä, Myy käyttäytyi hienosti :)

ST.PETERSBURG, Ledovy Palace, 19.4.2009 
Meerille Exelent 1, Jun-CC, ROP-jun, ROP
Iso kiitos taas Jarkolle. Ei näitä reissuja tehtäisi jollei olisi hyvää kuskia ja kepoa. Ja se tuli todistettua että hallinäyttelyt eivät ole Meerin mieleen, onneksi kesä on tulossa!
Big thanks to Jarkko again. Without him I wouldn´t be able to do these trips. Now We know tghat Meeri doesn´t like inside shows. I´m glad summer is almost here!

TAMPERE 14.3.2009
judge Peter Beyersdorf, Germany
Myylle (Dinetten Grand Farinja) VG2
Meerille (Dinetten Grand Formerie) VG1
Siiri (Minskuhoff´s Grand Egeria) EX1 BB2 R-CACIB
 Luca (Luca L´Honneur du Pied)EX1 BM1 BOB BOG3!
Day wasn´t perfect until Luca got 3rd place in group. Judge in group was Rodney McDowell, Ireland.
Exelent day, kids were a bit timid cause of growd and noice.

TALLINNA 14.-15.2.2009
14.2.2009 RYHMÄNÄYTTELY/group show for FCI 10
judge Per Lundström
Ruusalle eri1 sert pn1 ROP EE MVA/Ruusa got exelent1, CC, BOB and become EE CH
15.2.2009 KV Tallinna
judge Elsbet Clerc, Sveitsi
eri1 pn1 Cacib ROP KV MVA (odottaa vahvistusta) RYP4./Ruusa got exelent1, Cacib, BOB,  BOG4. (We are now expecting confirmation for Int. CH titel!) Iso kiitos kaikille matkaseuralaisillle kannustuksesta!

24.1.2009 Kyläreissulla Anttolassa ja kasvattajalla Mikkelissä