Archives 2010Nice week end in St. Petersburg 4.-5.12.2010 Team Jumprahuitti in 2 x int Show
Mr X 2 x (EX CC resCACIB -> CACIB) -> RU CH Mr X got CC and res.Cacib both days. He is now Russian Champion!
"Tyyne" Jolki Palki Hrustalj 2 x EX BOB-puppy
"Selma" Uniteé du Greffier du Roi 2 x(EX CC resCACIB -> CACIB) Nina Raitanen, kennel Mon Dieu, joined us. She had her girls Selma (Uniteé Du Greffier Du Roi) and Tyyne (Jolki Palki Hrustalj) with her. Selma got CC´s and res.Cacib also and Tyyne was BOB-puppy twice. What a school this was for her :) .
"Cevi" Vilauddens Dagmar 2 x (EX junCC junBOB) + 1 x BOB Petit-Cevi was there too and won her first junior-CC twice. On sunday she was also BOB.
"Sulo" Hopsulan Sulo Sakari 2 x EX CACIB We cannot forget our little friend Sulo. Sulo was in champion class first time. And both days he was best male and got his first two Cacib´s! (local junior male is very promising and winning bitch is nice also).
"Saga" 1 x VG + 1 x EX CC Taru and Saga got VG at first day. But sunday she got CC and won her class.
Once again this was a tournee we couldn´t do without our dear husbands. Thanks to them we got in St.Petersburg on time through heavy snowfall and rush hour. They carried dogs crates and all accessories. Thank you both! Thank You Nina! ;) Love to do this again.
14.11.2010 Jyväskylä INT show, judge Elena Ruskovaara FI Again our lovely curly-friends Iiro and Elmo were succeed. Iiro was BD2 and got R-Cacib Elmo won BOB, CC and CACIB and he is now FIN CH! Congrats to Heli and Jukka! Well done boys. Picture has taken with Sarri´s Nokia, so it´s not the best quality. But the dogs in picture are so!
30.10. Lahti Int show judge Eduardo Gonzales, Spain Myy got EX4 "Maukka" Dinetten Grand Florencio EX "Hemmo" Airwind's Franchement EX4 And in open class, her first show ever: "Viivi" Airwind's Fleurette EX1, resCAC! 25.9. Åland Int show Myy got EX2 BB 3 29.08.10 Luumäki Dog show for groups (4/5/)6 MrX EX1 BD1 CC BOB Meeri got G 28.8.10 Kajaani, judge Timo Nurmiluoto Myy was in hunting test, no result -> AVO0 21.8.2010 Kouvola, judge Leni Finne, FI Hopsulan Sulo Sakari EX1 BD1 BOB FI CH and now also RU CH! Congrats to Sara and team! 14.8.2010 Mustiala Tammela Sarri has past her final test and has completed her training to become lure coursing judge. 03.08. national show in Paighton, England judged by Mr Gordon Haran GB Iiro (Caballus Xeon) got his firs CC from England!!!! Congrats to Heli and the Boys!!! AWESOME! Our lovely curly coated friend Elmo is now proud father of 3+3 puppies. Puppies are all black and they looks as lovely as their mom Freya. More from puppies in Lindbiski´s site. Congratulations Elmo and Freya and Team´s too! 24.7.2010 FIN IW Speciality in Tampere- Ryyti EX and Rilla EX, judged by Sue Wilkinson, GB. 18.7.2010 Mäntsälä National show, judge Sean Knight - Ireland Our sweet friend Hopsulan Sulo Sakari BD2 and CAC. Congrats to Sara and family! 11.7.2010 Group show in Leivonmäki judge Ritva Raita, FI Myy (Dinetten Grand Farinja) BB1, CC, BOS and FIN CH Maukka (Dinetten Grand Florencio) BD2, CC and FIN CH also Luca (Luca L´Honneur du Pied) BOB Congrats to family Natunen and breeder Päivi! New champions Myy (& Päivi) and Maukka (& Iitu) 23.6.2010 World Winner 2010 Herning, Danmark GBGV's judged by Gunnar Nymann, DK Mr X VG2 DH Ruusa got EX His brother Xaxo became JWW-10, Congrats to Jolanda. 12.6.2010 Harjavalta Finnish Basset Club's speciality show GBGV's judged by Jeff Horswell, GB Mr X VG3 "Selma" Unitéé du Greffier du Roi VG4 29.5.2010 Our traditional trip to Vyborg, Russia. National Dog Show ("Window to Europe") "ОКНО В ЕВРОПУ" GBGV´s judged by Mrs Tamara Sarmont, RU MrX: Ex1, Jun-CAC, BOB-Jun, BD1, BOB Myy: EX1, CAC, BB1 Our IW Rilla got her second adult CAC from judge Mrs M. Ostrovskaya,RU. I`m very proud of Rilla. She is starting to "hate not so much" showing :) Or am I just dreaming... BOB and BIG-2 IW was Wiglywagly´s Fastnet Rocky from Finland. Congratulations Jere and Sanna. "Rontti" becomes now Russian Champion. We had our friend Sara and her Norwish terrier Sulo with us. Hopsulan Sulo Sakari got his first Russian CAC and was BOB. Terriers were judged by Mrs M. Ostrovskaya. Sara was also taking a pictures in this show. Hope to get them soon so we can share them with U all. Also we had a little "perpetual motion machine" Senni as our joy. She has an additional name Magpie. And she was like The bird. If something was missing, you could always found it from Magpie :) . Senni alias Vilauddens Princess Zia got EX1, Jun-CAC, BOB-Jun, BOB, BIG-2 also from judge Sarmont. Senni will become now RU-jun CH! Congratulations Jaana and Mari! (Jaana, if you find our die you can keep it!) Nationale d'Elevage St.Remy sur Durolle, France, 23.5.2010 Amazing news from France: "Xaxo" Xpreszo du Greffier du Roi became BOB out of over 80 grands at the age of only 10 months!!! Quite a brother Mr X has... Congratulations! Results from Helsinki International Aptus Show Mr X did not take part. Rilla got VG, judge was Jette Holm Jensen, kennel Ulvsholm (IW´s), DK. And Ruusa got EX1, BB1, CACIB, and was BOB! Judge was Roel v Veen-Keur, NL. Also we had good news from Hamina INT: Little friend of us, Norwichterier Hopsulan Sulo Sakari got EX1, BD1, CAC, CACIB and become BOS! Congratulations to Sara and Leena! Judge was Peter Rehanek, Czech. And Summerwind's Nordic Delight (Elmo) was BOB! Judge Tarja Hovila, FI. Congratulations to Heli and Jukka!Unfortunately Mrs Murphy has canceled her arrival to Finland!
22.-23.5.2010 International Aptus Show, Helsinki We have entered three of our dogs to Aptus Show. One GBGV, one IW and one DH. They all have the same judge: Elizabeth Murphy kennel Carrokeel, Ireland. Mrs Murphy is The Legendary Irish Wolfhound Breeder. We´re looking forward for this opportunity to show our dogs to her. Ogni Peteburga 2010 & Kubok Baltii 2010 2 x national dog shows 1.5.-10 St Petersurg GBGV Xport Qualité du Greffier du Roi "Mr X"; 2xEX1, 2xBD1, 2xJun-CAC, 2xBOB-jun (judges Chan Weng Woh, Malesia and V.A.Aleksandrov, Russia). After recalculating X is now also Russian Junior Champion! GBGV Dinetten Grand Farinja "Myy"; 2xEX1, 2xBB1, 2xCAC, 2xBOB, 2xBOG3 (judges Chan Weng Woh, Malesia and V.A.Aleksandrov, Russia). Myy is now RU CH ! IW Fernmark Lifthrasier "Saaga" (breeder/owner Taru Partinen and Ulla af Heurlin); 2xBOB, 2xCAC (judges Chan Weng Woh, Malesia and O.Goncharuk, Russia), BOG2 (judge Chan Weng Woh, Malesia), BOG1 (judge V.A.Aleksandrov, Russia) and BIS4 (judge L.K.Popova, Russia) !!! CP Emericius Klarisa "Nipsu" (breeder Lea Hämäläinen, owner Taru Partinen and Ulla af Herlin); 2xBOB, 2xCAC, 2xBOG3 (judges Chan Weng Woh, Malesia and V.A.Aleksandrov, Russia). Nipsu is now RU CH ! Congrats Taru and thanks for your tournee-company! 25.4.-10 Lahti Int.Show Judge Juhani Lappi Mr X VG3 First dogshow for Mr X in Finland, and this time Sarri wasn't so pleased with the behaviour of our little kangaroo... :D First blood tracking test (25.4.-10 Nakkila) for Myy has been canceled! GRAND PRIX SPRING PETERSBURG, RUSSIA International dog show 17.4.2010 GBGV / judge Carlos Saevich, Argentina: Prinzlands Trick or Treat "Helmi" (breeder M.Markio, owner J.Repo); EX1, BB1, CAC, CACIB Helmi is now RU Ch and C.I.E (waiting for confirmation)! PBGV "BOS" Helmi and BOB Lenholl Virgin GBGV / judge Ludmila Nikitina, Russia: Xport Qualité du Greffier du Roi "Mr X"; EX1, BD2, jun-CAC, BOB-jun This was Mr X's first show ever! Luca L'Honneur du Pied "Luca" (owner P. Hyvärinen); EX1, BD1, CAC, CACIB, BOB Luca is also now RU Ch and C.I.E (waiting for confirmation)! (below on the left) Dinetten Grand Farinja "Myy"; EX1, BB1, CAC, CACIB (above on the right)
The showday started at 03:00 after hardly no sleeping. We crossed the Russian border with ease, and managed ourselves to the exhibition hall in time after adventorous passage. PBGV's were first in the ring judged by Carlos Saevich from Argentina. Helmi was BOS and became C.I.E! BOB was Lenholl Virgin from Russia. After that we had several hours before GBGV's, and decided to have something to eat. Belive or not, we needed all those extra hours in finding a suitable restaurant, not just grill or bar. Finally after long walk we found nice "italian" place and it was worth it: the better food, the better mood!
Group rings were worth seeing and good practise for Mr X. There were almost 30 dogs in bis-junior ring, X was tired and had difficulties in focusing, jumped like a kangaroo but eventually standed still for a while :D.
Way back home felt long as ever... 00:30 at home we finally had some champagne! Mr X and Luca
UPCOMING SHOWS AND OTHER EVENTS, SPRING 2010 Next show we are attending is GrandPrix Spring Petersburg in April. It will be the first appearance in showring for Mr X! Also a few shows in Finland before summer would be good practise. Hunting season is over for now. Last hunting test planned for Myy didn't take place, too cold and too much snow. Now we wait for snow to melt away... And then get to start tracking season! Myy will have one test in April and hopefully more later. We Wish You All A Very Good New Year 2010!Here is good to end this year 2009: Nordic Winners 2009 Tapsa Hellman & Mr C, judge Jeff Horswell, Sarri & Ruusa.